
Internet Download Manager for Linux

How to Install IDM on Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Guide Members Public

Most Windows users prefer IDM as their download manager. However when they switch to Linux, their favourite download manager disappears because it is not available for Ubuntu or any other distribution. But don’t worry here is a way to make IDM for Ubuntu through Wine. Before we continue, we’

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux Tutorials

Another Linux Terminal App Guake Members Public

Linux users have a lot of terminal emulators to choose. Recently I mentioned one terminal app i.e. Terminator. Here is another one of the most interesting Quake-style drop-down terminal named Guake. It is a terminal app for GNOME which can be used quickly using shortcut keys. How To Install

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
terminator linux terminal

Terminator A Linux Terminal Emulator With Multiple Terminals In One Window Members Public

Each Linux distribution has a default terminal emulator for interacting with the system through commands. But the default terminal app might not be perfect for you. There are so many terminal apps that will provide you more functionalities to perform more tasks simultaneously to sky-rocket speed of your work. Such

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Linux tools
Keeweb A Linux Password Manager

Keeweb A Linux Password Manager Members Public

Today, we rely on an increasing number of online services. Every online service we sign up for allows us to create a password, which means we have to remember hundreds of passwords. Passwords are easily forgotten in this situation. In this article, I’ll discuss Keeweb, a Linux password manager

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

How To Setup Linux Web Server And Host Website On Your Own Computer [Part - 2] Members Public

Welcome, everyone. It is the second part of how we can setup Linux Web Server and host website on our own Computer. There are some prerequisites to hosting Linux Web Server that we talked about in part 1. If you’ve not installed Apache web server or any other prerequisite

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail

Ubuntu Forums Hacked! Here Is What Hacker Stole? Members Public

The forums of the most popular Linux distributions, Ubuntu, was hacked. The news was reported yesterday by Jane Silber on Ubuntu insights. Although he has confirmed that not any password was hacked in the plain text, rather hashed and salted strings which are of no use for the hacker. But,

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Host Website On Our Own Server

How to Host Web Server: A Beginner's Guide Members Public

Welcome to small tutorial series to host web server on your own Linux machine. This series of articles will teach how to set up a web server on a Linux computer and make it available online. In this article, we will install all the required tools to set up a

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Setup web server
a quick review of antergos

[Discontinued] Antergos Linux One Of Best Arch Based Distros Members Public

Sadly, Antergos Linux has been discontinued. One of the most difficult tasks for Linux newbies is to install Arch Linux. Unlike most other Linux distributions, Arch Linux does not have a graphical installer. It’s completely CLI. Users have always been interested to use Arch-based distros and luckily there are

Mohd Sohail
Mohd Sohail
Arch Linux